Art foto & canvas
analogue, spray paint, mixed techniques

To do something that is unique and appears in the real world is very powerful. You just do it because it is you passion, you desire you duty.
Once upon a time
Started in 2005 with a Nikon F75 and switched 10 years ago to my lovely Fm2 from 86. My Age. I develop black and white positives in my own dark room. Waiting for the right moment, only have an limited amount of shots, anticipation of what it will looks like when it’s born. I just fell in love.

A white wand
It all starts with this. Just moments after you spray the first line you already addicted. It’s make the world more colorful, interesting, different. It can be giant or tiny, glitter or mat, flat or three-dimensional. There are almost no limits for the surface.
The last years i was more focused in canvas and furniture. But the next wall is just around the corner.